We assisted Derck & Edson with renovations to Rivier University’s main entrances, walkways, and parking lots to create a more inviting nighttime environment while improving pedestrian safety and campus security. Incorporating lighting elements and landscape features, the team created a strong University presence along the main thruway, enhancing outdoor spaces while increasing visibility at crosswalks and on pathways throughout the campus.
The existing lighting throughout the campus included an eclectic array of luminaries and lamp sources. Parking lot lighting primarily consisted of high-pressure sodium floodlights mounted on utility poles. Crosswalks were not illuminated well, nor denoted effectively to oncoming traffic. The illumination had poor uniformity, low color rendition, glare on the surfaces, and undesirable sky glow/light pollution for the campus and surrounding area.
Solution Details
We provided carefully located LED luminaires throughout the campus. A lamp utilizing less than half the wattage of the luminaire replaced was selected for all campus walkways. Parking lot floodlights were replaced with perimeter poles, with houseside shields where needed. Piers were added at major crosswalks to help draw attention to pedestrians. Wall-mounted sconces replaced floodlights on buildings. All lighting was designed to meet dark skies criteria, combating light trespass and skyglow. Glare was significantly reduced as the light was directed toward grade and not into the sky or pedestrian viewing angles.
ISO foot-candle plan [ ex•plained ]
What is an ISO foot-candle lighting plan? Site disturbances and landscape features do not always allow for standard fixture spacing; an ISO foot-candle contour map replicates actual conditions and helps ensure that illumination is provided where needed. The plan allows the maximum distances between poles while maintaining a desired foot-candle on grade.
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