Coal-Fired Boiler Replacement

Danville State Hospital (AMERESCO) Danville, PA


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As part of the Guaranteed Energy Savings Act (GESA) project that was already underway between the  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Energy Service Company,  AMERESCO, two coal-fired boilers had been installed at the hospital’s central steam plant. Rated at 10,000 and 20,000 lbs. per hour, respectively, they were intended to replace two existing boilers, which had reached the end of their useful lives. However, the new boilers were never put into continuous service due to perceived poor combustion performance and concerns related to their design and installation.

In an effort to bring the project to a successful conclusion, AMERESCO committed to removing the two new boilers and replacing them with a new gas-fired boiler. Entech was asked to join the project to assist in designing a solution that would  fully address the concerns.

Solution Details

The project scope included all mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural engineering design services for the removal and replacement of the new coal-fired boilers. This included design and construction documents for the new, 10,000 lbs. per hour, natural gas-fired water tube boiler.

As part of the new design, the boiler was furnished with a burner that had a 5:1 turndown ratio to accommodate periods of low-loads at the hospital. Modifications were made to the boiler control system as well as the floor, roof, catwalks, and railings to support the new boiler. Entech also provided services during construction and as-built drawings to help ensure a successful outcome.

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10,000 lbs./hr. natural gas fired boiler

5:1 turndown ratio

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