Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

Womelsdorf Sewer Authority Womelsdorf, PA


 WWTP-upgradesWDSA-0001-2 « »


We were appointed as Sewer Authority Engineer and assigned the first task of evaluating the need to expand the existing treatment facility. After performing a detailed process and capacity evaluation, we were able to identify and design key process improvements that helped the Authority avoid the cost of a major expansion project.

Solution Details

Enhanced sludge digestion, grit and solids removal, a bulk chemical feed system upgrade, and a new blower/diffused air system were part of a fast-track design, bidding, and construction schedule. The project was designed within budget and tight time constraints, with bids being received well under the construction budget. Anticipated improvements included increased process life cycle, improved effluent water quality, and a nearly 20% reduction of solids from the treatment process, with a corresponding 50% reduction of waste disposal costs.

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20% anticipated reduction of solids

50% anticipated reduction of waste disposal costs

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