Since 2009, we have provided this natural gas upstream producer with civil and environmental planning and design services for over 110 well pad site developments. We completed site design, stormwater management, erosion and sediment control design, and permitting to support their natural gas production capabilities within the Marcellus shale natural gas play.
Tasks included wetland and stream delineation, endangered species studies, and comprehensive permitting. Working closely with the client and landsmen, Entech evaluated preferred locations to minimize environmental impacts, address landowner concerns, and improve constructability issues while simultaneously completing PADEP and PennDOT permit applications.
Noteworthy Achievements
- Foster Township, Susquehanna County; pad site is located within a High Quality Watershed which requires additional analysis of stormwater discharges as well as implementation of specialized erosion control best management practices (BMP’s). These BMP’s are designed to provide highly effective water quality control measures to protect the receiving waters. In addition to being a High Quality Watershed, the receiving water is also a naturally producing trout stream which in turn makes the wetlands on site Exceptional Value.
- Gibson Township, Susquehanna County; Receiving water for this location is a Naturally Producing Trout Streamwhich qualifies the watershed as High Quality which requires additional analysis of stormwater discharges as well as implementation of specialized erosion control best management practices (BMP’s). These BMP’s are designed to provide highly effective water quality control measures to protect the receiving waters. In addition to the above measures the site design also required a stream crossing as well as some minor wetland mitigation for the access driveway alignment. In order to cross the stream and wetland a General Permit Registration is required, in this case a GP-7 for Minor Road Crossing.
- Dimock Township, Susquehanna County; The access drive for this location ties into an existing private drive that serves a number of private homes. This private drive is located off of a State Route and therefore required a Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) from PennDOT. Due to the number of existing private homes and the proposed traffic for the Well site the Occupancy permit was designated as Low Volume. Low Volume HOP’s require extensive design and calculations including stormwater analysis of the proposed site.
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