Condensation Mitigation MEP Design

Confidential Candy Producer Pennsylvania



This candy production facility generates 200 tons of candy each day. High levels of steam were escaping from the kettles during the cooking and cleaning processes, causing high moisture conditions within the rafters and ceiling of the cook room portion of the plant.

Entech worked with the client to develop options to mitigate the steam discharge into the room, without negatively impacting the cooking process or the overall air pressure in the space.

We provided engineering services for evaluation, design, bidding and construction administration for upgraded mechanical (HVAC) and electrical (Power) to assist a manufacturing machine designer with the installation of a steam removal system.

Solution Details

During the cooking and cleaning processes, steam escapes from the kettles both when the lids were closed and when it was necessary to open the lids (during cooking when introducing additives or following a cooking or cleaning cycle). The resulting water vapor was condensing at the ceiling, leaving a residue with the potential for mold growth. Labor-intensive cleaning and sanitizing of the roof support structure and ceiling was required on a regular basis to ensure the space was in kept in compliance with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture requirements.

The steam mitigation efforts focused on a cook room, which houses six (6) steam kettles and two (2) holding tanks. The options evaluated included (1) a direct exhaust to the atmosphere or (2) condition the steam with chilled water coils and return it to the Cook Room ambient air.

The client prefered not to directly exhaust the steam, so Option 2 was selected. The steam from the kettles (operating at 220°F) is conveyed via a system of ductwork to a new air handling unit (AHU) where the steam is conditioned and returned to the Cook Room ambient air (at 70°F). Entech provided engineering services for the evaluation and design of the ductwork system as well as support during the construction phase.

Mitigating the steam release to the room creates a healthier work environment and eliminates the need for labor-intensive routine maintenance.

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200 tons of candy produced daily

6 steam kettles in cook room

220°F steam escaping into the cook room

By Service
