The City of Lebanon Authority’s (CoLA’s) collection and WWTP System provides wastewater collection/conveyance and treatment to the City of Lebanon and significant portions of neighboring Lebanon County municipalities including two boroughs and eight townships. The 8mgd plant is designed for a population of 80,000 through the year 2032. The WWTP was last upgraded in 2013, primarily to meet Chesapeake Bay nutrient removal requirements. Due to time and budget constraints, they were not able to address all needs.
To assist the CoLA with managing and improving their assets, we completed a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to review identified and potential new projects along with estimated costs.
The development of the CIP provided critical, long-term planning to schedule major infrastructure projects, spreading capital costs over many years to effectively maintain and improve assets while avoiding significant rate increases to customers.
Solution Details
We completed several field visits to review existing facilities, assess their condition, and better understand the challenges faced by operations staff. In addition, we reviewed as-built drawings, current permits, operations data, biological modeling results, BioWin Modeling, related technical literature and studies to confirm the viability of several of the process upgrades for consideration.
After careful evaluation, nine (9) potential capital projects were identified for consideration by the Authority. These projects are outlined, in order of priority, in the table below.
The study provided the Authority with the data and information needed to determine which of these improvement projects should move forward to design, permitting, bidding and ultimately construction, positioning them to better serve their customers for decades to come.
Capital Plan Improvement Projects:
Priority | Project |
1 | Installation of Grit Removal Equipment |
2 | New Headworks Building |
3 | Installation of Centrate and Digester Decant |
4 | Anaerobic Digester Renovations |
5 | Control Building Renovations |
6 | Replacement of Disinfection Backup |
7 | Installation of Effluent Booster Station |
8 | Installation of Sludge Cake Storage |
9 | Installation of New Pump Station for Primary Sludge and Primary Clarifier Scum |
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