Main Campus & Science/Medical School FCA

Temple University Philadelphia, PA


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Temple University is a comprehensive urban research and academic institution comprised of urban and suburban campuses in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and offering numerous undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Since our relationship with Temple began in 2001, Entech has performed evaluations at the Main Campus, Ambler Campus, Health Sciences Center, and the School of Podiatric Medicine.

Solution Details

Since 2001, Entech has performed approximately 150 facility assessments (approximately 8.9 million square feet of space) for the University including academic, medical/laboratory, student residences, and support spaces. We also assessed the University’s Central Steam and Chilled Water Generation and Distribution, Electrical Distribution, and Storm Sewer system and provided Facilities Condition Assessment services for Temple’s Science and Medical School facilities. Facilities included chemistry, physics, and biology lab buildings at the main campus, as well as four medical school facilities at the Temple Hospital complex. Functions included classrooms, offices, wet labs, research labs, medical research labs, animal labs, and a morgue.

Starting in 2006, we began conducting cyclical reassessments of select buildings. In 2008, Entech was also asked to reassess the condition of four buildings in Pottstown, Pennsylvania that had been donated to the University. The findings of this effort were used to help the University determine the best use for the properties.

Entech’s assessments and the resulting data provided through our proprietary facilities management software have given the University the tools to manage their assets across all campus locations.

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8.9M sqft. of space

150 facilities assessed

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