Facility Condition Assessment

Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County, MD (various)



Anne Arundel County (AAC), Maryland needed to identify maintenance and capital projects throughout their building assets, spread across the county, to be able to plan, budget, and prioritize their spending.

Solution Details

We conducted a comprehensive facility condition assessment (FCA) for AAC. The assessment encompassed the investigation of over 183 buildings in 25 city/town locations, totaling over 3.2 million square feet of building space.

Upon completion of the investigative process, our FCA team entered the survey information into our FM-Assistant database, which was customized to suit AAC’s specific needs. The database effectively inventories and prioritizes building deficiencies and relative projects along with costs for repairs. The FCA and database provided AAC with a new resource that will, at any time, quantify the magnitude and relative priority of capital needs required to appropriately maintain the value of their facilities as assets.

Along with maintaining and capital planning for its facilities, AAC can now treat their facilities as assets that can either appreciate or depreciate in value using their facility management database that effectively measures the current condition of their facilities.

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183 buildings

3.2 million square feet assessed

$80 million in projects identified

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