Facility Condition Assessment

Reading Area Community College Reading, PA


 RACC-FCA-1 « »


Founded in 1971, Reading Area Community College (RACC) is a public community college located in Reading, PA on a 20 acre campus. RACC offers associate's degree, certificate, and diploma programs to its more than 4,500 students from the greater Reading Area and Berks County.

RACC selected Entech to complete a facility condition assessment of its buildings to identify and prioritize projects, costs, and funding levels necessary to keep the facilities in good condition. Buildings assessed included academic and administrative facilities as well as a warehouse totaling more than 320,000 square feet. Entech identified and recommended capital improvement, capital renewal and deferred maintenance projects over the next ten years.

Solution Details

Throughout the eight-building assessment, architectural and MEP professionals surveyed and analyzed building systems throughout each facility. Projects were identified and prioritized as either immediate, high, or low urgency initiatives.

Entech entered all of RACC’s FCA and Asset data into the FM-Assistant database, giving the College the ability to budget and manage their projects and campus condition over the next decade.

During the facility condition assessment, Entech met regularly with the Facilities Management Staff to organize the data and formulate funding strategies.

This comprehensive and cumulative facility and asset dataset provides invaluable baseline information that the college can use for years to predict, manage, and budget for capital building projects.

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8 facilities assessed

320,000 total square feet

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