HVAC Upgrades

Moravian University Bethlehem, PA



To provide a more comfortable housing environment for first-year students, Moravian University looked to replace Bernhardt-Wilhelm Hall’s existing heating-only HVAC system with a dual temp heating and cooling upgrade. Using a Design-Assist project model, Moravian contracted us directly to provide schematic design documents for the upgrades. Using these documents for pricing, Moravian then selected and directly contracted with a Contractor.

With the Contractor on board and the main parameters of the project provided in the schematic design, Entech refined the details of the scope of work in close communication with Moravian University’s facilities team and the Contractor’s team, developing permit and construction documents collaboratively. This arrangement allowed for Contractor input during the final stages of the design process while retaining Entech as the owner-contracted designer of record and maintained Owner engagement in all decisions along the way. This process minimized change orders during construction due to the contractor feedback period during design, while also protecting Moravian’s interests from a design/engineering standpoint. After finalizing permit documents, Entech oversaw the project through completion via construction administration services.

Solution Details
  • A wide access pathway was added for newly installed attic HVAC units, including sheet metal raised sides to retain blown insulation around pathway.
  • A custom-built painted plywood enclosure was added as a horizontal pipe chase, with a top elevation matching the new Fan Coil Unit height to provide a usable shelf for students.
  • Four wall-hung condensing boilers replaced two massive, inefficient cast-iron boilers, creating additional space for chilled water equipment and for University operations and maintenance needs.

The general scope of the project included replacing the existing heating-only HVAC system with a dual temp heating and cooling upgrade, including dual temp FCUs, renewed bathroom exhaust, and attic air handlers with energy recovery and dedicated heating and cooling for preconditioned make up air year-round. The system upgrade also included an air-cooled chiller, condensing boilers, glycol fluid and make-up system, and all associated specialties, controls, power, wiring, piping, enclosures, cutting, patching, and final finishes for a complete system.

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design-assist project model

272 students with air conditioning

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