Combined Sewer Overflow Elimination

Central Wayne Regional Authority Honesdale, PA



The Honesdale Borough, in accordance with their Consent Order and Agreement (CO&A), needed to prepare a Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) to address the Borough’s nine permitted combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The Borough, along with the other contributing municipalities, later formed the Central Wayne Regional Authority (CWRA) to address their CO&A and LTCP.

Solution Details

We were employed to assist the Borough with their CO&A by submitting and receiving PADEP approval of an updated Act 537 Plan and LTCP. The plans outlined the need for annual collection system repairs, to eliminate certain CSOs and reduce the amount of inflow and infiltration (I&I) into the system and for a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) upgrade to eliminate the hydraulic overload conditions currently experienced.

As outlined within the PADEP approved Waste Load Management Corrective Plan and Schedule (CAP) and LTCP, we proposed, among other action items, to repair or replace main collector sewer lines and continue separating storm drains from the sanitary sewer system within the downtown areas. By replacing these deteriorated sanitary sewer lines and constructing stormwater piping systems, the amount of I&I causing the hydraulic overload conditions at the WWTP and CSO Overflows during wet weather was reduced.

This 100% grant-funded project, along with two other similar projects completed by CWRA and Entech, has been extremely successful and has accounted for the elimination of 13 CSOs over the past years as well as a substantial decline in the volume of overflows at CSO #2, which is the only remaining active CSO, located near the WWTP.

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100% grant funded

13 CSOs eliminated
