Wastewater & Stormwater Upgrades

Borough of Honesdale Honesdale, PA



We have performed a number of stormwater related projects for the Borough of Honesdale, including:

EPA Sewer Replacement Project
This project was located on six different streets within Honesdale, including two streets (Tenth and Eleventh) within the downtown area. The project, partially funded by the EPA, consisted of the design, bidding, and construction of approximately 7,200 linear feet of defective sanitary sewer pipe and 50 manholes with known inflow and infiltration problems. The project also separated known combined storm and sanitary systems that required approximately 2,700 linear feet of storm sewer pipe and 30 inlets.

Wet Weather Flow Estimate
This study estimated the wet weather (storm) flow being directed to Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) No. 2 by calculating stormwater runoff volumes. Specifically, the study evaluated storm drain inlets and roof drains connected to the combined sewer system and their impact on the wastewater flow to CSO No. 2 and the wastewater treatment plant.

Combined Sewer Overflow Elimination Project
This project was located on nine different streets within Honesdale including two streets (Fifth and Ninth) within the downtown area. The project consisted of the design, bidding, and construction of approximately 11,400 linear feet of defective sanitary sewer pipe with known inflow and infiltration problems. This project also consisted of the separation of known combined storm and sanitary systems, which required approximately 4,920 linear feet of storm sewer pipe. This project was funded through PENNVEST with a $1,800,000 grant and a $1,600,000 low interest loan that we helped secure.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project
The proposed project involved the demolition of existing structures and construction of new structures within the existing floodway (as determined through FEMA FIRM panels) for the purpose of upgrading the existing wastewater treatment plant. HEC-RAS (v 3.1.3) modeling was used to complete the hydraulic analysis of the Lackawaxen River for this project.

Have a similar project? Let's talk about it! contact us


18,600 ft. of sanitary sewer pipe replaced

7,620 ft. of new stormwater pipe

$1.8M in grant funding
