Utility Condition Assessment

out of sight, but not out of mind

A Utility Condition Assessment (UCA) analyzes one or more utility systems to determine these assets’ extent and condition and to provide recommendations as to how these systems can continue to efficiently support your buildings’ and campuses' needs. UCAs can be performed as the first step in a Utility Master Plan (UMP) or as a standalone service, which is sometimes completed in conjunction with a Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA).

As part of our UCA, we determine each utility’s value, which then enables us to generate a Utility Condition Index (UCI) benchmark value. Similar to a Facility Condition Index (FCI) for a building, the UCI is a ratio of the deferred maintenance costs to the asset replacement value for each utility. The UCI helps to highlight the utility systems that have the greatest deferred maintenance as a percentage of the utility value, providing insight that enables more informed decisions during resource allocation, budgeting, and planning.

A UCA can be performed for any type of centralized campus utility:
  • Heating
  • Cooling
  • Electrical
  • Water
  • Wastewater
  • Stormwater

buildings may get all the attention...

...but if your campus has centralized utilities, you need to look beyond the surface to the deeper core systems that drive building performance.

Don't be distracted by a well-kept facade; understand what lies below and beneath, because like your buildings, your utilities will fade over time without care and investment.

let's talk UCAs

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