RNG Pipeline Design

UGI Utilities Lackawanna County, PA


 5769-RNG-Pipeline-pp-Web « »


We were contracted by a natural gas utility company to provide high-pressure gas pipeline, along with a metering and regulation (M&R) receipt station, to transport renewable landfill natural gas (RNG) to market. At over 12,000 MMBtu/day, this project is currently recognized as the largest RNG project in the world (2021). Upstream of the new pipeline, landfill gas is collected via a low-pressure system and processed to remove contaminants. Once processed, this transmission quality gas is compressed and delivered to the M&R station. Downstream of the M&R station, approximately 1,200 feet of 12” pipeline was designed to deliver landfill RNG to existing natural gas infrastructure for use.

Solution Details
Services Provided:
  • Pre-Design Site Visit for Preliminary Routing
  • Engineering Design, Alignment Sheet Construction Drawing Development
  • Pipeline Stress & Pressure Test Calcs.
  • Road Crossing & Construction Access Design
  • Environmental & Jurisdictional Permitting
  • Erosion & Sedimentation Controls Design
  • Coordination with Landfill Personnel for Pad Grading and Pipeline Access
  • Utility Provided Cathodic Protection and AC Mitigation Design Integration
  • Coordination and Hosting of Stakeholder Video Conference Progress Calls

Entech worked closely with utility engineering and land agents to evaluate and establish suitable pipeline routing, construction access, and feature crossing methods. The design team provided design and permitting for a 50-ft wide limit of disturbance for line construction and all associated erosion and sedimentation controls. Temporary rock construction access locations and details were provided to allow suitable construction access at multiple locations along the alignment.

Road and access crossing design details were provided to utilize open-cut methods of installations. The established ROW paralleled an existing electrical power line ROW, which created the need for increased cathodic protection and AC mitigation considerations. The utility’s corrosion and integrity group worked closely with the Entech design team to accurately capture these integral system components in the design drawings. Throughout the detailed design process, Entech’s team scheduled and hosted periodic video conference calls with project stakeholder representatives from the utility, the landfill, and the landfill’s hired consultants to ensure a smooth transfer of information and to give all parties the opportunity to get timely answers to questions.

In addition to the pipeline alignment, the Entech project team developed grading plans for both upstream and downstream facilities. The upstream M&R facility pad was evaluated and improved to allow space for required equipment and piping. The downstream pad was the home of a new PIG receiver and tie-in piping. After offering multiple pad options, the final selection provided an extension of an existing station, which allows the utility access via an existing station access road.

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12,000+ MMBtu/day capacity

1,200 lf of pipeline

By Service

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