Energy Reduction Consulting & Implementation

Northeastern U.S. Manufacturer New Jersey and New York



Our manufacturing client has set a goal of reducing their electricity, natural gas, and water consumption by 5% annually and their waste output to landfills and incinerations by 10% annually. They are looking to shift to renewable energy systems by 2025. We are providing energy auditing and consulting services to support the identification and implementation of energy savings opportunities that align with our client’s reduction and transition goals.

Solution Details
  • Energy and Emissions Reductions
  • Dollar Savings
  • Waste Output Reductions
  • Operations and Maintenance Efficiencies

Level I Energy Audit

The first step in our process involved detailed scrutiny of our client’s utility bills and review of heating and cooling loads so we could understand their consumption of natural gas and electricity to set the stage for identifying areas of potential improvement. We dispatched analysts to six facilities, each containing some combination of manufacturing, testing laboratory, quality control, assembly, warehousing, storage, and office spaces, to gain a comprehensive understanding of our client’s occupancy loads, processes, and energy consuming equipment at each unique site. This hands-on evaluation was crucial to identifying specific energy savings opportunities.

Following the on-site visits, we conducted a desk review to categorize energy usage into process vs. non-process energy. This step allowed us to pinpoint common opportunities for energy savings within each category. For instance, process energy improvements included the addition of insulation to process ovens, while non-process improvements included replacing outdated lighting systems with energy-efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and modifying specific heating and cooling systems to provide significant energy efficiency in the facilities. We calculated the energy savings and associated cost reductions for each identified measure, estimated the implementation costs, and determined the payback period, which indicates how quickly our client would recoup their investment. Our engineers also provided a preliminary evaluation to examine the potential for implementing combined heat and power (CHP) and solar power as alternative energy systems. We then developed an energy report that detailed our findings, quantified potential Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), and summarized our conclusions from our alternative energy evaluations.

Level II Audits and Studies

To further evaluate the ECMs from the Level I Audit, our team provided further Level II analysis and energy monitoring of high consuming systems and equipment at five of the New Jersey plants, as well as an exhaust system study at the New York plant. This deeper analysis and our detailed discussions on the most viable savings opportunities enabled us to support our client in their data-driven decision-making. This collaborative approach ensured that the selected measures were practical and aligned with our client’s operational and financial goals.

Implementation Plan

The next phase involves developing a strategic plan to achieve the 5% annual reduction goal, targeting a total 30% reduction by 2030, by implementing energy savings projects in a cost-effective manner. Rather than incurring substantial initial costs, we devise a phased approach to distribute the investment over time. Through a systematic and collaborative approach, our client is actively working toward their environmental sustainability goals through an economically sustainable phasing plan. Thus, they are enabled not only to meet their parent company’s emissions reduction targets and their energy and waste output reduction goals, but also to realize short- and long-term operational and financial advantages in their up-front investments and their lowering labor and operational costs.

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5% annual energy reduction goal

10% annual waste output reduction goal

2025 goal for renewable energy systems
