FCA & User Needs Assessment

City of Gaithersburg Gaithersburg, MD


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The City of Gaithersburg, Maryland’s fourth largest city, is located just a few miles from the nation’s capitol. Founded in 1765, it has a rich history, complemented by its diversity and small town feel. Entech was engaged to perform facility condition assessments (FCA) and facility user needs analyses (FUNA) for several City properties, including the historic Kentlands Mansion, City Hall, a parking garage, and an Activity Center.

We provided professional architectural and engineering services to help the City identify and prioritize capital projects within the city. Recommendations were made to guide decision-making for the City regarding existing facility use, renovations, and new construction. We also conducted Asset Collection surveys. All FCA and FUNA data was uploaded to an Asset Management Database, where it will be used to provide FCIs for facilities and facility systems, as well as provide an annual investment plan to reduce deferred maintenance for the City.


Solution Details

The FCA analyzed architectural and MEP systems in each building, while the data gathered from the FUNA was used to evaluate how space was currently being used and determine the optimal usage. Input from City employees was incorporated into the evaluation.

Kentlands Mansion
A facility condition assessment and user needs analysis was completed for the historic Kentlands Mansion. The three-story brick building dates back to 1892 and is used primarily for events and administrative offices.  Recommended improvements for the ten-year planning period included the HVAC system, pipe insulation, and window and woodwork repairs.

City Hall
City Hall, at over 26,000 sq.ft., is Gaithersburg’s main administrative building. The original part of the building was constructed circa 1895. A much larger addition was added in 1987. Recommended projects over the ten-year planning period included HVAC and water heater replacements, as well as interior and exterior lighting upgrades

Activity Center
This single story community center was built in 1998. The 53,000 sq.ft. facility houses a gymnasium, exercise room, office spaces, activity rooms, lobby, and support spaces. It is used for community programs, rentals, summer camps, fitness classes, and other programs and serves as the City of Gaithersburg Parks, Recreation, and Culture (PR&C) Department’s headquarters. Recommended projects included roof replacement and interior finishes.

Olde Towne Parking Garage
In order to comply with the City-adopted International Property Maintenance Code, which requires structures to be inspected every three years, we identified and assessed the condition of all architectural, waterproofing, MEP, and fire protection systems in the garage. We identified current deficiencies and systems/components that would age out within ten years, developed projects recommended to correct those deficiencies, along with associated construction years, costs, and priorities.

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4 properties surveyed

2 historic buildings

10 year planning period

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