Asset Collection & Assessment

Cabrini University Radnor, PA


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Cabrini University’s (Cabrini) facility management was challenged to make accurate and proactive decisions to budget for, and maintain, their campus’ mechanical equipment. With no inventory of existing equipment and its condition, outside of the heads of the maintenance staff, unplanned expenses were becoming troublesome and their institutional equipment knowledge was at risk.

Through a campus-wide building mechanical asset collection project, we gathered equipment information, assessed its condition, and barcoded it, thus creating an inventory. The data collected was then utilized two fold – first the assessment and inventory data was paired with replacement costs for capital planning initiatives, and second, the asset information was exported into a third party work order system to track and report on maintenance.

Solution Details

Cabrini’s lack of data on their mechanical equipment prevented them from having a holistic view of their systems and their needs. Although the maintenance staff was doing a great job keeping equipment running, it was difficult to forecast and anticipate future mechanical funding needs.
In working with Cabrini’s facility management, we were able to help them identify the critical information needed, to create a clearer picture of their future mechanical system needs, while evaluating system level equipment replacements based on maintenance costs, and any capital improvement benefit opportunities.

Over 700 pieces of mechanical equipment were documented, barcoded, and assessed. Analysis of that data has provided Cabrini with insights and viewpoints that were not possible before. Together with the maintenance staff and data, they are able to understand their campus’ mechanical needs and make more informed and confident decisions to proactively manage those assets.

What They Said

"Having both the data and professional analysis has helped me and our CFO see and understand the big picture and make proactive planning decisions with confidence to better manage our buildings’ equipment."

-Director of Facilities Management

Equipment Collected
  • AHUs
  • Boilers/Furnaces
  • Burners
  • Cabinet Heaters
  • Condensing Units
  • Cooling Towers
  • Motors
  • Fans / VFDs
  • Specialty/Etc.
Data Collected
  • Type
  • Location
  • Installation date
  • Condition
  • Expected life
  • Replacement year
  • Replacement costs
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700 assets collected & assessed

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