WWTP Upgrades: Study & Design

Borough of Schuylkill Haven Schuylkill Haven, PA



The Borough of Schuylkill Haven owns and operates a 2.8 MGD wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that serves the Borough of Schuylkill Haven and portions of North Manheim and Wayne Townships. Realizing that much of the equipment at the WWTP was at or beyond its useful life, the Borough desired to evaluate the WWTP to identify ways to improve operational efficiency and, if need be, upgrade existing equipment equipped with more energy-efficient versions. Entech was initially engaged to complete a feasibility study which reviewed and provided cost estimates and projected energy savings for upgrades including removal of the Milliscreen from the treatment process, dissolved oxygen (DO) control, replacement of activated sludge reactor diffusers and blowers, addition of a SCADA system, addition of a magnesium hydroxide feed system, removal of sand filters, an ultraviolet light disinfection system, upgrade of the aerobic digesters’ aeration system and review of sludge generation rates.

During the feasibility study, Entech interviewed operations staff to review the specified areas of the treatment plant using criteria which included facility age and treatment performance, dependability, operational flexibility and effectiveness, operating time and expense and approximate replacement or modification cost.

Solution Details

Upon completion of the feasibility study, the Borough chose to proceed with select upgrades to various plant buildings and processes:

  • New Equipment including influent fine screen, screw press, and SCADA system
  • Replacement of influent and return activated sludge pumps, primary clarifier drives, chains, and flights, blowers for the aeration basins and aerobic digesters, and diffusers within each of the three aeration basins.
  • Electrical upgrades
  • Lighting & HVAC improvements
  • Roof replacements
  • Concrete repairs
  • Pipe modifications
  • Aerobic digester and blower upgrades, including DO control

In addition to the feasibility study, Entech provided preliminary engineering, design, permitting, bidding assistance, services during construction and construction observation services to complete the selected upgrades.
Following implementation of the enhancements at the wastewater treatment plant, the Borough experienced a 16% reduction in polymer usage, a 57% decrease in sludge disposal costs and a nearly 54% decrease in total wet tons over the first two years.
With careful financial planning and targeted improvements, the Borough was able to complete the project without increasing user rates.

Investing in upgrades at the wastewater treatment plant was a proactive and strategic effort, aligning with the Borough’s economic, environmental and social priorities, providing a more efficient, cost-effective and dependable treatment plant that will safely serve the community for years to come.

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57% reduction in sludge disposal costs after upgrades

2.8MGD wastewater treatment plant upgrade

By Service

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