Posted by
Jeff Euclide on Friday, October 6, 2017
When I was taking a fuel science course at Penn State in the 80’s, it was right after the first energy crisis, with long lines at the gas pump and schools shutting down because of insufficient supply of natural gas. My professors were forecasting future energy production to be heavy in coal and nuclear. 30+ years later, both those fuel sources are going away, and natural gas and renewable energy are on the upswing. It will be interesting to see where we will be with energy production in another 30 years.
An article from E&P Magazine, "Outlook: Future Holds Energy Mix Shake-up," recently piqued my interest enough to share. The magazine summarized findings from DNV GL’s Energy Transition Outlook, which sought to answer what our global energy production will look like in 2050. DNV GL is an independent quality assurance and risk management company.
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Authored by:
Jeff Euclide, PE
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Tagged: Energy Planning & Management | Natural Gas