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Steve Riley on Wednesday, May 17, 2017
top water minds in our backyard
This June, tens of thousands of water and wastewater system owners, operators, engineers, and professionals from all over the globe will converge in Philadelphia. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is hosting its Annual Conference & Exhibition 2017 (ACE17) in the city of brotherly love. It’s been 26 years since ACE was in Philadelphia, and there’s no telling if or when it may come back, so this represents a great opportunity for our regional water folks to tap into the top minds in water, close to home. Collaborate and learn about challenges, solutions, and innovations happening in the industry.
we're on board
Of course, we’ll be there – as volunteers, attendees, and we’re thrilled to be included among the national speakers. Christine Gunsaullus and Lori Burkert will present as part of the “Distribution System Management & Operations” and “Source Water Protection and Watershed Management” tracks, sharing innovative approaches to tank rehabilitations and source water protection.
Here is the information on our ACE17 presentations – we hope to see you there!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Tank Rehabilitation Strategy: Best Practices
4-4:30p | Christine Gunsaullus & Daniel Preston (North Penn Water Authority)
When it comes to water storage tank rehabilitations, what you don’t know, can hurt you. Tank rehabilitations don’t happen every day, week, year or even decade, so chances are, your next might be your first or your last was quite a while ago, in a world that barely resembles that of today. Learn the 5 keys to success from the Storage Tank Queen herself, and takeaways from Dan’s recent tank rehabilitation.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Source Water Protection Program: An Innovative Integrative Approach
8:30-9a | Lori Burkert
Source water protection by its very nature is preventative. Preventing accidentally spilled contaminates from reaching a watershed’s water treatment may seem like an impossible task, but it is not. Identifying potential contaminate sources, mapping, and modeling can all be integrated into an active tool that can be used to react swiftly and keep spilled contaminates from reaching the tap. Learn how all the data can be integrated to create a powerful source water protection tool.
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Categories: Municipal Infrastructure
Tagged: Potable Water