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Bryon Killian on Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The Pennsylvania American Water Works Association’s (PA-AWWA) Annual Conference is being held May 8-10, 2018 in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains. It marks the 70th anniversary of the conference, which brings together water system owners, operators, regulators, and consultants to learn and collaborate to improve our water infrastructure.
In addition to our booth and our team in the water tank building contest, our water pros are contributing to the technical sessions, giving two presentations. In addition, one of our clients, Doug Berg, PE, will be presenting on his new manganese removal water treatment plant within the Hemlock Farms community.
If you’re at the conference, we’d be thrilled if you sat in!
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Drought Contingency Plans for Groundwater Sources
10:30-11a | Lori Burkert
A year ago, more than half the counties in Pennsylvania were either under a Drought Watch or a Drought Warning. Many water utilities with groundwater sources would have benefitted at that time from a new or updated Drought Contingency Plan. This presentation will cover why and when a plan is needed, what goes into a comprehensive plan, and what to do when a drought trigger occurs. In addition, it will provide examples of water utilities who used their plan, and how it benefitted their employees and customers.
*SPECIAL BONUS* Poconos Manganese Removal - A Success Story
1:30-2p | Doug Berg, PE | Hemlock Farms Community Association
Hemlock Farms has a 500 GPM well with manganese developed during year 2000. Sequestering was ineffective resulting in numerous and repeated customer complaints. The Community voted to proceed with treatment and the process chosen was oxidation filtration. Plant construction occurred during 2015 with start-up in January 2016. Backwash water is recycled and residuals are pumped and hauled. Solids separation is excellent and disposal of sludge is low cost. The stainless steel piping sprung leaks at welds caused by either faulty welding or chlorine induced corrosion. This required some piping replacement following start-up. The plant achieves 100 percent removal of manganese.
Take a look at the project profile and video
All Mixed Up? - Selecting the Right Tank Mixing System
3:15-3:45p | Christine Gunsaullus, EIT
Back in the day, water storage tanks were built with a common inlet/outlet pipe, and water quality wasn’t a consideration. Now with water quality requirements becoming more stringent, many tank owners are considering tank mixing systems. But how do you know if you need a mixer, and what’s the best type?
Tank mixing is still in its infancy, and no one mixer works best in every tank. We’ll share Entech’s expertise on best practices in regards to design criteria, installation recommendations, and O&M expectations. Successful and not so successful installations will be examined, along with considerations for long-term tank care.
Download our Water Tank Mixing Guide
full conference presentation schedule
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Categories: Municipal Infrastructure
Tagged: Potable Water