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Dani Motze on Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Entech continues the long tradition of giving back that its founders began
A smiling little girl named Mayqueli proudly holds up a pair of dress shoes and her new school back pack. She is one of 50 students we sponsor from the San Luis Gonzaga School, in the small town of El Sauce, Nicaragua. Students receive a new school uniform, school supplies and a daily snack – basic school supplies, they may otherwise be without, prohibiting them from attending or inhibiting their success in school.
Since 2007, Entech has contributed over $32,000 in student sponsorships and matching-grant donations to the San Luis Gonzaga School. A commitment to investing in community initiatives, whether in the global-village or hometown, reaches back to our founding in 1981.
sponsorship highlights
- 500 students sponsored
- $32,000+ in aid
- 1st library built
- 2 Preschool classrooms
- 1st computers
“Entech’s early leadership team, Dan Castellani, Bill McMahon and I, agreed early on in … that we would share a part of the profits with the wider Reading community,” said Entech founder Tom McMahon.
“We decided that, if we as a company were successful, each of us would have a modest allocation of the profits that we could distribute to local charities as we saw fit.”
When Mary and Tim McMahon (Tom’s brother) began their service work in Nicaragua in the early 2000’s, the school didn’t have a single computer, or a library. Knowing Entech’s commitment to giving back, they reached out to Entech with the opportunity to help and they eagerly committed to help.
The matching grants provided by Entech, in addition to its student sponsorships, enabled Mary, Tim, and their team to more effectively fundraise and eventually purchase school computers and fund the school’s new library and preschool classroom.
“We found a way to do something internationally and had the pleasure of seeing real progress being made, with the library being built or kids having better school supplies,” said current Entech President, Jeff Euclide.
Continuing a culture of giving back
Entech also recently sponsored a mural at Lauer's Park Elementary School, Reading, PA, that inspires students to consider engineering as a future career path. Entech sponsors the Reading Downtown Improvement District’s Mid-Day Café series and supported Berks Nature’s new facility, “The Nature Place.”
“I am personally proud of what Entech has become, in providing quality engineering/architectural services as well as continuing to support meaningful projects that help the community....and elsewhere in the world!” said Tom McMahon. “Thanks to all former and current employees and management of Entech for continuing this tradition.”
Tim and Mary McMahon look forward to another trip to El Sauce this winter and Tim recognizes the company’s role in helping these students to have basic educational necessities, “I don’t have the words to express the gratitude that my wife and I have felt for what Entech has done.”
see the San Luis photo gallery
Categories: Entech, Engineering, & Beyond