Posted by
Bryon Killian on Thursday, November 13, 2014
Does your treatment plant utilize anaerobic digestion or are you considering it?
In either case, you should be evaluating a CHP system that runs off of your biogas to produce electricity and process heat for your system. CHPs can supply your plant with up to 40% of its electrical needs, delivering massive energy savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions through this clean energy source.
I read and wanted to share a great article that was published in the November 2014 issue of Treatment Plant Operator, where Environmental Protection Agency project officer, Valerie Breznicky, was interviewed about biogas CHP systems. In the article she discusses benefits, funding strategies, and what the first steps are in getting started with biogas CHP.
Click here to read the article.
Categories: Municipal Infrastructure
Tagged: Wastewater | Energy Planning & Management | Environmental | Budgeting & Funding