Posted by
Bryon Killian on Monday, March 6, 2017
This year, we’ve hit the jackpot with 7 presentations at the 2017 Pennsylvania Rural Water Association’s Annual Conference, and we’re sharing the wealth [of information]! The conference runs Tuesday 3/28 through Friday 3/31 in State College, PA.
Stop by our booth (#40) anytime, to pick the brains of, or meet and greet our water and wastewater engineers and be sure to take in any of our presentations. I recommend them all, but if you can only make one, make sure it’s one of mine - just kidding!
Below is more information on the 7 presentations we'll be giving, or you can view the full conference schedule.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
I&I Tool Belt: How to Find It, Measure It, Fix It, & Confirm Results
1:30-5p | Mike Sassaman, LO & Robb Kalbach (Utility Services Group)
I&I is an elusive problem, where each system, and even basins within a system, require customized plans. This class will address topics ranging from “in-house” find and fix methods through professional I&I studies, and everything in between. Topics such as basin/sub-basin-specific flow metering, mapping, inspection, prioritization of needs, budgeting and various methods of repair will be taught. In-class demonstrations, samples, specifications, and handouts will be provided, as well as many pictures and videos of real-world scenarios. Earn 3 WW CH.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Nutrient Removal Processes in Wastewater
8-11:30a | Heath Edelman, PE & Chris Hannum, PE
This class will give an introduction to nitrogen and phosphorus removal within wastewater, and will identify several treatment processes designed to remove nitrogen and phosphorus. This class will also provide a general understanding of the instrumentation used in biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes, and will cover troubleshooting BNR processes and review case studies of recent plant upgrades designed. Earn 3 WW CH.
Pumping Station Design: What Every Operator Should Know
1:30-5p | Chris Hannum, PE
This class will go through the planning and regulations pertaining to the design of a pumping station. The class will focus on the most common type of pumping station, duplex submersible. Key elements will discuss basic flow requirements, pumping capacities, wet well design, and controls. Earn up to 3 WW CH.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Managers Roundtable - Failing Infrastructure
8-11:30a | Bryon Killian, PE & others
A combination of old pipes, and earlier than expected failure of newer pipes, has led to a “perfect storm” in our pipe infrastructures. Estimates of pipeline replacement nationwide exceed $1 billion in the next decade. This roundtable discussion, with short presentations, will cover these concerns for water and wastewater systems. Earn 1 W & WW CH.
All Mixed Up - Tank Mixing, Rehab & Inspection
8-11:30a | Christine Gunsaullus, EIT
Tank owners often struggle; they want to take care of their tanks, but they’re “out of sight, out of mind,” until there’s a problem! Regular inspections keep small problems from becoming big, costly repairs, so methods will be covered, including drones. Tips to make a rehabilitation go smoothly will be shared, and water quality solutions like mixers and chlorine injection reviewed. Earn up to 3 W CH.
Regulations & Ethics for Operators
1:30-5p | Mike Sassaman, LO
This class covers the history of the Clean Water Act, The Operator Certification Act, and discusses the liability that water and wastewater operators face under their certifications. Earn up to 3 W & WW CH.
Collection Rehab/Maintenance
1:30-5p | Bryon Killian, PE & Robb Kalbach (Utility Services Group)
Inspecting, identifying and repairing collection system problems before they become major problems are an important part of an operator’s responsibilities. This class will cover common collection maintenance and rehabilitation techniques for system components. Earn up to 3 WW CH.
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Authored by: Bryon Killian, PE
Categories: Municipal Infrastructure
Tagged: Potable Water | Wastewater | Municipal Engineering | Stormwater | Engineering | Regulations