Posted by
Bryon Killian on Monday, March 21, 2016
It’s almost PA Rural Water Conference Time! Stop by our booth March 29th through April 1st in State College, PA and tap the brains of water and wastewater experts! Or better yet, dive deeper by sitting in on any of our 6 presentations:
- “Maintaining Water Quality Through the Budgetary Process” | Tuesday, March 29, 1:30-5p: Chris Hannum, PE
- “Aerobic Digestion” | Thursday, March 31, 8-11:30a: Ed Pietroski, PE
- “Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be: Our Failing Pipe Infrastructure” | Thursday, March 31, 8-11:30a: Bryon Killian, PE
- “Wanna Get Tanked? Inspection, Coating and Care” | Thursday, March 31, 1:30-5pm: Christine Gunsaullus, EIT
- “Distribution System Workshop” | Friday April 1, 8-11:30a: Michael Daschbach, PE
- “Wastewater Issues: Manholes, Chlorination and Septage Receiving” | Friday April 1, 8-11:30a: Bryon Killian, PE
conference information Authored by: Bryon Killian, PE
Categories: Municipal Infrastructure
Tagged: Potable Water | Wastewater | Stormwater | Budgeting & Funding | Project Management